Исследование плазмы
2017. Т. 55. № 5. С. 678–684
Батенин В.М., Казарян М.А., Карпухин В.Т., Маликов М.М.
Copper vapor laser pumped by pulse-periodic high-frequency discharge
We present the results of numerical experiments considering the physical processes specific to the laser based on self-terminating atomic transitions of copper and study of the output characteristics of this laser numerically. The laser is pumped by trains of high-frequency ($10$–$70$ MHz) current oscillations with the repetition rate of $2$–$30$ kHz. Inductive-type electrodeless discharge pumping is regarded. The calculations were carried out for a small set of the specified basic parameters providing a way to partially optimize the performance of the laser over its basic output characteristics and to reveal its features. The feasibility of efficient laser pumping by high-frequency discharge is demonstrated. In our numerical experiments the maximum value of the physical efficiency was about $6\%$ and the maximum average laser output power was as high as $174$ W. These values were obtained for a discharge chamber with a volume of $1.7$ L.
УДК: 621.375.826
Ссылка на статью:
Батенин В.М., Казарян М.А., Карпухин В.Т., Маликов М.М. Copper vapor laser pumped by pulse-periodic high-frequency discharge, ТВТ, 2017. Т. 55. № 5. С. 678
High Temp. 2017, v.55, №5, pp. 678-684
Батенин В.М., Казарян М.А., Карпухин В.Т., Маликов М.М. Copper vapor laser pumped by pulse-periodic high-frequency discharge, ТВТ, 2017. Т. 55. № 5. С. 678
High Temp. 2017, v.55, №5, pp. 678-684