Тепломассообмен и физическая газодинамика
2019. Т. 57. № 5.
Вараксин А.Ю., Мочалов А.А., Ромаш М.Э.
Experimental study of some characteristics of nonstationary wall-free fire whirls
This paper is aimed to demonstrate an opportunity of the generation of nonstationary wall-free fire whirls under laboratory conditions without using mechanical swirling devices and to estimate their integral parameters. A simple experimental facility, making possible the generation of concentrated fire vortex structures by means of combustion of solid fuel (urotropine) arranged symmetrically on a metallic underlying surface, is described. With the use of photography, some novel data on the probability of generation of fire whirls depending on the experimental mode have been obtained.
Ссылка на статью:
Вараксин А.Ю., Мочалов А.А., Ромаш М.Э. Experimental study of some characteristics of nonstationary wall-free fire whirls, ТВТ, 2019. Т. 57. № 5. С. 0
High Temp. 2019, v.57, №5, pp. 738-743
Вараксин А.Ю., Мочалов А.А., Ромаш М.Э. Experimental study of some characteristics of nonstationary wall-free fire whirls, ТВТ, 2019. Т. 57. № 5. С. 0
High Temp. 2019, v.57, №5, pp. 738-743