
Исследование плазмы
2020. Т. 58. № 1. С. 36–43
Ситников Д.С., Ильина И.В., Ревкова В.А., Коноплянников М.А., Кальсин В.А., Баклаушев В.П.
System for long-term irradiation of living cell culture with high-intensity THz pulses
In this paper we present an experimental set up for long-term irradiation of cells with high-power terahertz pulses with intensities of about $23$ GW/cm$^2$. The system was shown to be a reliable tool for cell irradiation in single-point irradiation mode as well as in scanning mode. Wharton’s Jelly derived mesenchymal stem cells were exposed to high power THz pulses with a field strength of about $3$ MV/cm for $90$ min for the first time. Preliminary results on THz radiation effects on cell viability and proliferation were obtained.
Ссылка на статью:
Ситников Д.С., Ильина И.В., Ревкова В.А., Коноплянников М.А., Кальсин В.А., Баклаушев В.П. System for long-term irradiation of living cell culture with high-intensity THz pulses, ТВТ, 2020. Т. 58. № 1. С. 36

High Temp. 2020, v.58, №1, pp. 36-43