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2013. Т. 51. № 1. С. 140–143
Ceotto D.
Thermal diffusivity, viscosity and Prandtl number for molten iron and low carbon steel
This paper investigates fundamental properties of liquid iron as well as molten low carbon steel. Scope of this work is to formulate simple, even if approximated, equations useful to simulate heating and solidification processes. Attention is paid first to thermal diffusivity which is determined using known empirical equations (density, free energy and electrical resistivity) and well-accepted relationships like the Wiedemann–Franz–Lorentz law. Then, viscosity is estimated from a multiple linear regression analysis of available data. In such a way an estimation of Prandtl number is calculated. The proposed equations are tested by comparing with existing data. Such modelling may be useful for simulations in the field of process metallurgy, in steelmaking industry and also in some more recent manufacturing technologies such as selective laser and electron beam melting, when experimental values of the physical parameters are missing.
Ссылка на статью:
Ceotto D. Thermal diffusivity, viscosity and Prandtl number for molten iron and low carbon steel, ТВТ, 2013. Т. 51. № 1. С. 140
High Temp. 2013, v.51, №1, pp. 131-134
Ceotto D. Thermal diffusivity, viscosity and Prandtl number for molten iron and low carbon steel, ТВТ, 2013. Т. 51. № 1. С. 140
High Temp. 2013, v.51, №1, pp. 131-134