
Теплофизические свойства вещества
2015. Т. 53. № 3. С. 397–402
Ceotto D.
Semi-empirical equation for the estimation of viscosity of liquid metal alloys of eutectic composition
In this work the dynamic viscosity of liquid metal alloys of eutectic composition is investigated. In particular a semi-empirical equation, previously proposed for some pure metals, is now tested to estimate the viscosity of liquid metal alloys. Analysis is limited by three materials that have been evaluated by a recent careful analysis by Assael and co-workers: $\mathrm{Al}$–$\mathrm{Si}$, $\mathrm{Pb}$–$\mathrm{Bi}$, and $\mathrm{Pb}$–$\mathrm{Sn}$ of eutectic composition. The equation proposed shows a satisfactory agreement with the accredited data available in literature.
Ссылка на статью:
Ceotto D. Semi-empirical equation for the estimation of viscosity of liquid metal alloys of eutectic composition, ТВТ, 2015. Т. 53. № 3. С. 397

High Temp. 2015, v.53, №3, pp. 370-374