Short Communications
2013. V. 51. № 3. P. 426–429
Kostanovskii A.V., Kostanovskaya M.E., Zeodinov M.G.
About a phonon mechanism of heat conduction in graphite at high temperatures
On the basis of the available published experimental results, as well as of the studies of the temperature dependence of graphite heat conductivity performed by the two-cylinder method, we discover that the heat transfer mechanism is governed by phonons up to the temperature of 3300 K.
Article reference:
Kostanovskii A.V., Kostanovskaya M.E., Zeodinov M.G. About a phonon mechanism of heat conduction in graphite at high temperatures, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 3. P. 426
Kostanovskii A.V., Kostanovskaya M.E., Zeodinov M.G. About a phonon mechanism of heat conduction in graphite at high temperatures, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 3. P. 426