
Short Communications
2017. V. 55. № 4. P. 618–621
Chernoskutov M.Yu., Ivliev A.D., Meshkov V.V.
Experimental estimation of the degree of adiabaticity of a sample when measuring the thermal diffusivity by the temperature waves method
A method for experimental determination of the degree of adiabaticity of a sample when measuring the thermal diffusivity by the temperature waves method is described. Analysis of the thermal diffusivity of ARMCO iron at different temperatures is performed as an example. It is experimentally proven that the twodimensional thermal model gives an adequate description of the temperature-wave propagation in a sample of finite sizes.
Article reference:
Chernoskutov M.Yu., Ivliev A.D., Meshkov V.V. Experimental estimation of the degree of adiabaticity of a sample when measuring the thermal diffusivity by the temperature waves method, High Temp., 2017. V. 55. № 4. P. 618