Short Communications
2016. V. 54. № 6. P. 907–910
Shatskiy E.N., Chinnov E.A.
Synchronous measurement of thickness and surface temperature fields in falling heated liquid film
The flow of heated water films at high temperature gradients on water surface has been experimentally studied. The interaction between waves and thermocapillary instability has been studied using a new method of synchronous measurement of film thickness and surface temperature fields. It has been indicated that wave fronts are mainly deformed in the initial heating section as a result of the interaction between these fronts and a thermocapillary structure, which is formed in the residual layer in the heater forward edge area.
Article reference:
Shatskiy E.N., Chinnov E.A. Synchronous measurement of thickness and surface temperature fields in falling heated liquid film, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 6. P. 907
Shatskiy E.N., Chinnov E.A. Synchronous measurement of thickness and surface temperature fields in falling heated liquid film, High Temp., 2016. V. 54. № 6. P. 907