Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2007. V. 45. № 3. P. 370–376
Kuz'min M.K., Yalamov Yu.I.
The inclusion of the effect of the evaporation coefficient on the rate of variation of droplet radius
The paper deals with the investigation of the effect of the evaporation (condensation) coefficient of droplet substance on the rate of unsteady variation of the radius of a spherical aerosol droplet in the cases of direct and indirect inclusion of this coefficient. It is found in both cases that the effect of evaporation coefficient is most significant at the initial instant of unsteady-state process of evaporation and of condensation growth of the droplet. At this instant, the size of spherical droplet has hardly any impact on the rate of variation of its radius. As the unsteady-state process continues, the effect of the evaporation coefficient on the rate of variation of the droplet radius depends significantly on the droplet size. The larger the droplet under consideration, the lower the effect of the evaporation coefficient on the rate of variation of its radius. The rates of variation, calculated for the same values of the evaporation coefficient but for different ways of inclusion of this coefficient, differ less for larger aerosol droplets. These methods of inclusion of the evaporation coefficient are considered for the process of slow evaporation of a droplet.
Article reference:
Kuz'min M.K., Yalamov Yu.I. The inclusion of the effect of the evaporation coefficient on the rate of variation of droplet radius, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 3. P. 370
Kuz'min M.K., Yalamov Yu.I. The inclusion of the effect of the evaporation coefficient on the rate of variation of droplet radius, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 3. P. 370