Thermophysical Properties of Materials
1971. V. 9. № 3. P. 490–495
Peletskii V.E., Druzhinin V.P.
Experimental study of some physical properties of hafnium at high temperatures
The emissivity, specific heat, and temperature dependence of the specific electrical resistance of hafnium were studied in the high- temperature range. The results are presented and evaluated.
Article reference:
Peletskii V.E., Druzhinin V.P. Experimental study of some physical properties of hafnium at high temperatures, High Temp., 1971. V. 9. № 3. P. 490
Peletskii V.E., Druzhinin V.P. Experimental study of some physical properties of hafnium at high temperatures, High Temp., 1971. V. 9. № 3. P. 490