Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2018. V. 56. № 2. P. 247–254
Benderskii L.A., Lyubimov D.A., Chestnykh A.O., Shabanov B.M., Rybakov A.A.
The use of the RANS/ILES method to study the influence of coflow wind on the flow in a hot, nonisobaric, supersonic airdrome jet during its interaction with the jet blast deflector
The influence of the coflow wind on the flow in a hot, nonisobaric, supersonic airdrome jet from a biconical nozzle and its interaction with a jet blast deflector (JBD) are studied by the RANS/ILES method. The conditions at the external boundary of the computational domain are formulated for the problem of jet interaction with the JBD. All calculations were performed at the Joint Supercomputer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a MVS-10P supercomputer. The features of method parallelization for the supercomputer with modern architecture are described. The total temperature of the jet at the nozzle output is $T_0 = 1050$ K and $\pi_c = 4$. The wind velocity ranges from $0$ to $20$ m/s. Two JBD positions are examined: at distances of $5$ and $15D_e$ of the nozzle cross section. The computation grids consist of $(6.33$–$8.53) \times 10^6$ cells. Fields of the flow parameters and of their turbulent pulsations near the jet are obtained. The dimensions of the “safety zone” for people and machinery is determined by the temperature, pressure pulsations, and velocity near the airdrome surface. The influence of wind velocity on the size and shape of the safety zone are revealed. The distributions of pressure and temperature and their pulsations over JBD altitude are presented as a function of JBD position and wind velocity.
Article reference:
Benderskii L.A., Lyubimov D.A., Chestnykh A.O., Shabanov B.M., Rybakov A.A. The use of the RANS/ILES method to study the influence of coflow wind on the flow in a hot, nonisobaric, supersonic airdrome jet during its interaction with the jet blast deflector, High Temp., 2018. V. 56. № 2. P. 247
Benderskii L.A., Lyubimov D.A., Chestnykh A.O., Shabanov B.M., Rybakov A.A. The use of the RANS/ILES method to study the influence of coflow wind on the flow in a hot, nonisobaric, supersonic airdrome jet during its interaction with the jet blast deflector, High Temp., 2018. V. 56. № 2. P. 247