Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2018. V. 56. № 5. P. 738–743
Askarova A.S., Bolegenova S.A., Bolegenova SymbatA., Maksimov V.Yu., Beketayeva M.T.
Modeling of heat mass transfer in high-temperature reacting flows with combustion
A multiprocessor computer system suitable for physical, mathematical, and chemical models, as well as an exact method for the solution of a system of differential equations that describe the actual combustion of a pulverized coal flare, are necessary to study the numerically complex, physicochemical processes occurring in the combustion chambers of power plants. The results of numerical simulation can provide quite a high accuracy. However, the task of setting up a physical and mathematical model with the correct initial and boundary conditions has yet to be completed. In this paper, we studied heat and mass transfer in hightemperature reacting flows during the burning of Karaganda coal in the combustion chamber of an actual power boiler of a thermal power plant in Kazakhstan. The optimal conditions for computational experiments that correspond to real combustion processes are determined.
Article reference:
Askarova A.S., Bolegenova S.A., Bolegenova SymbatA., Maksimov V.Yu., Beketayeva M.T. Modeling of heat mass transfer in high-temperature reacting flows with combustion, High Temp., 2018. V. 56. № 5. P. 738
Askarova A.S., Bolegenova S.A., Bolegenova SymbatA., Maksimov V.Yu., Beketayeva M.T. Modeling of heat mass transfer in high-temperature reacting flows with combustion, High Temp., 2018. V. 56. № 5. P. 738