Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2018. V. 56. № 1. P. 33–37
Stankus S.V., Savchenko I.V., Yatsuk O.S.
The caloric properties of liquid bismuth
We investigated the enthalpy of liquid bismuth within the temperature range of $580$–$1325$ K in a massive isothermal drop calorimeter using the mixture method. We obtained the approximation equations and determined the isobaric heat capacity. The estimated errors of the data on the enthalpy and the heat capacity are equal to $0.2\%$ and $0.5\%$, respectively. The results are compared with the literature data. We confirmed the existence of a heat-capacity minimum of liquid bismuth of approximately $800$ K. We show that above $940$ K the heat capacity depends linearly on the temperature. We developed tables of the recommended values of the caloric properties within the range from the melting point to $1325$ K.
Article reference:
Stankus S.V., Savchenko I.V., Yatsuk O.S. The caloric properties of liquid bismuth, High Temp., 2018. V. 56. № 1. P. 33
Stankus S.V., Savchenko I.V., Yatsuk O.S. The caloric properties of liquid bismuth, High Temp., 2018. V. 56. № 1. P. 33