Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2019. V. 57. № 4. P. 525–530
Afanasiev V.A., Nikitin P.V., Tushavina O.V.
Characteristics of the mechanism of thermal power destruction of carbon materials in a supersonic high-temperature air flow
An experimental simulation is performed for the mechanism of the destruction of carbon heatshielding materials (polycrystalline graphite and carbon composites) with a rough surface passed by a supersonic high-temperature air flow. At high velocities of the oncoming flow, the roughness of such materials may correspond to the thickness of the boundary layer. Such properties of the surface contribute to a more intensive destruction of materials due to the mechanical carryover of mass caused by the gas dynamics of the flow and the thermochemical processes on a rough surface. This paper analyzes the methods and means of research under the ground conditions of the mechanism of the destruction of carbon heat-shielding materials that can be used in the design of thermal protection for rocket-space and high-speed aviation equipment.
Article reference:
Afanasiev V.A., Nikitin P.V., Tushavina O.V. Characteristics of the mechanism of thermal power destruction of carbon materials in a supersonic high-temperature air flow, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 4. P. 525
Afanasiev V.A., Nikitin P.V., Tushavina O.V. Characteristics of the mechanism of thermal power destruction of carbon materials in a supersonic high-temperature air flow, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 4. P. 525