Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2018. V. 56. № 4. P. 514–518
Kamaeva L.V., Korepanov A.Yu., Lad'yanov V.I.
Temperature behavior of the viscosity of quasi crystal-forming $\rm Al$–$\rm Cu$–$\rm Fe$ melts
We have studied the temperature and the temporal dependences of the viscosity of quasi crystalforming $\rm Al$–$\rm Cu$–$\rm Fe$ melts within the range of $i$-phase $(\rm Al_{62}\rm Cu_{25.5}\rm Fe_{12.5})$ stoichiometry with a change in the concentration of copper from $15.5$ to $35.5$ at $\%$ and in that of iron from $2.5$ to $22$ at $\%$ as well as within the concentration range in which the $i$-phase is the first to arise from the $\mathrm{Al}_{59.5} + x\mathrm{Cu}_{35.5} - x\mathrm{Fe}_5$ melt $(x = 0$–$15)$. We show for the studied alloys that prolonged ($2$ h or longer) relaxation processes take place directly after melting in the conditions of the viscosimetric experiment and that they should be taken into account when the temperature dependences of the viscosity are measured. In the equilibrium thermodynamic conditions, the viscosity polytherms coincide for the heating and the cooling regimes; they are monotonous and are well described by the exponential dependence. The activation energy of the viscous flow, depending on the composition, varies from $18$ to $36$ kJ/mol.
Article reference:
Kamaeva L.V., Korepanov A.Yu., Lad'yanov V.I. Temperature behavior of the viscosity of quasi crystal-forming $\rm Al$–$\rm Cu$–$\rm Fe$ melts, High Temp., 2018. V. 56. № 4. P. 514
Kamaeva L.V., Korepanov A.Yu., Lad'yanov V.I. Temperature behavior of the viscosity of quasi crystal-forming $\rm Al$–$\rm Cu$–$\rm Fe$ melts, High Temp., 2018. V. 56. № 4. P. 514