Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2018. V. 56. № 3. P. 378–381
Zhestkov B.E., Vaganova M.L., Lebedeva Yu.E., Sorokin O.Yu., Medvedev P.N.
Influence of nitrogen high-speed flow impact on the structure and chemical composition of high-temperature coating on $\rm SiC$ composite
The impact of the nitrogen high-speed plasma flow on the silicon carbide composite samples with high-temperature coating has been studied. The work was performed in a VAT-104 wind tunnel (TsAGI), making it possible to simulate the conditions of a flight in the upper atmosphere. The main parameters of plasma flows were registered, the distribution of temperatures on the surface of samples and the samples mass losses were measured. The catalytic activity of coating was determined based on the result of numerical parametric simulation of the passing flow and heat transfer of samples. Studies of the coating microstructure, X-ray diffraction structure analysis, and X-ray diffraction phase analysis of the coating were carried out.
Article reference:
Zhestkov B.E., Vaganova M.L., Lebedeva Yu.E., Sorokin O.Yu., Medvedev P.N. Influence of nitrogen high-speed flow impact on the structure and chemical composition of high-temperature coating on $\rm SiC$ composite, High Temp., 2018. V. 56. № 3. P. 378
Zhestkov B.E., Vaganova M.L., Lebedeva Yu.E., Sorokin O.Yu., Medvedev P.N. Influence of nitrogen high-speed flow impact on the structure and chemical composition of high-temperature coating on $\rm SiC$ composite, High Temp., 2018. V. 56. № 3. P. 378