Plasma Investigations
2019. V. 57. № 2. P. 156–163
Omarov O.A., Omarova N.O., Omarova P.Kh., Aliverdiev A.A.
Breakdown of high-pressure gases in a longitudinal magnetic field
It was discovered experimentally that a longitudinal magnetic field leads to an increase in the current density, conductivity, and partial energy input and a decrease in the times of the formation of all developments stages of discharge and transversal integral radiation and the channel expansion rate. At the same time, a strong magnetic field displaces the maximum of spectral radiation density to the ultraviolet domain with the simultaneous generation of new spectral lines. Magnetic fields, which decrease the channel expansion rate and transversal radiation losses, increase the partial power, conductivity, and plasma temperature at the arc stages, which creates the conditions to obtain hot plasma and to develop the source of ultraviolet and X-ray radiations.
Article reference:
Omarov O.A., Omarova N.O., Omarova P.Kh., Aliverdiev A.A. Breakdown of high-pressure gases in a longitudinal magnetic field, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 2. P. 156
Omarov O.A., Omarova N.O., Omarova P.Kh., Aliverdiev A.A. Breakdown of high-pressure gases in a longitudinal magnetic field, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 2. P. 156