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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2019. V. 57. № 2. P. 256–262
Shagapov V.Sh., Galimzyanov M.N., Vdovenko I.I.
Characteristics of the reflection and refraction of acoustic waves at normal incidence on the interface between “pure” and bubbly liquids
The characteristics of the reflection and refraction of harmonic waves at its normal incidence on an interface between a “pure” liquid and liquid with bubbles filled with a vapor-gas mixture have been studied. The influence of variations of equilibrium temperature T0 of a system in the range 300T0373 K for two initial bubble sizes a0=106 and 103 m has been numerically analyzed. The effect of the perturbation frequencies on the reflection coefficient and refraction index at normal incidence has been studied. We have shown that the condition of total internal reflection can be fulfilled by the incidence of a wave from a bubbly liquid at the interface.
Article reference:
Shagapov V.Sh., Galimzyanov M.N., Vdovenko I.I. Characteristics of the reflection and refraction of acoustic waves at normal incidence on the interface between “pure” and bubbly liquids, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 2. P. 256