Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2019. V. 57. № 3. P. 368–371
Vorontsov A.G., Korenchenko A.E., Gel'chinskiy B.R.
Analysis of stability of small metal clusters during metal vapor condensation
A statistical analysis of the results of molecular-dynamic calculations of metal $(\rm Cu$ or $\rm Ti)$ vapor condensation in an inert gas $(\rm Ar)$ medium has been performed. Condensation proceeds with the formation of small particles consisting of metal atoms–clusters. The internal energy of the metal cluster–the sum of the kinetic energy of the atoms in the center of mass system and potential energy–is chosen as the key characteristic describing its state. It is shown that the internal energy value gives the possibility for the prediction of the duration of the cluster existence, from birth to decay, i.e., it describes the ability of the cluster to grow. The temporal evolution of the distribution function of the clusters over the internal energy values is presented.
Article reference:
Vorontsov A.G., Korenchenko A.E., Gel'chinskiy B.R. Analysis of stability of small metal clusters during metal vapor condensation, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 3. P. 368
Vorontsov A.G., Korenchenko A.E., Gel'chinskiy B.R. Analysis of stability of small metal clusters during metal vapor condensation, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 3. P. 368