Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2019. V. 57. № 2. P. 236–241
Fortova S.V., Utkin P.S., Kazakova T.S.
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the development of instability of a contact boundary of colliding metal plates within the gasdynamic approximation
The development of the initial stage of instability of a contact boundary of colliding metal plates has been numerically simulated. The mathematical model is based on the Euler system of equations for a medium obeying the two-term equation of state. The parameters of the equation of state are calibrated proceeding from the calculated and experimental data based on real wide-range equations of state for metals. The computational algorithm is based on the Harten–Lax–van Leer scheme. The initial sinusoidal perturbation of the contact boundary between the plates after the propagation of rarefaction waves from the free plate boundaries becomes crater-shaped, which qualitatively corresponds to natural experiments.
Article reference:
Fortova S.V., Utkin P.S., Kazakova T.S. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the development of instability of a contact boundary of colliding metal plates within the gasdynamic approximation, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 2. P. 236
Fortova S.V., Utkin P.S., Kazakova T.S. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the development of instability of a contact boundary of colliding metal plates within the gasdynamic approximation, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 2. P. 236