2019. V. 57. № 4. P. 555–572
Varaksin A.Yu.
Collision of particles and droplets in turbulent two-phase flows
The problems and features of an accounting of the collisions of particles (droplets) in turbulent two-phase flows are considered. The developed approaches for the determination of collision nuclei of monodisperse and bidisperse particles (droplets) in uniform isotropic turbulence, as well as under the combined action of turbulence, averaged velocity gradient, and gravity, are described. The results of experimental and theoretical calculations of the effect of collisions on the characteristics of two-phase jet flows and flows in channels are presented and analyzed.
Article reference:
Varaksin A.Yu. Collision of particles and droplets in turbulent two-phase flows, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 4. P. 555
Varaksin A.Yu. Collision of particles and droplets in turbulent two-phase flows, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 4. P. 555