Short Communications
2019. V. 57. № 5. P. 768–770
Gubaidullin D.A., Zaripov R.G., Tkachenko L.A., Shaidullin L.R.
Smoke deposition upon nonlinear oscillations in an open tube near resonance
Experimental studies were performed with visualization of the deposition of tobacco smoke filling an open tube at different heights upon nonlinear oscillations. The dependences of the numerical concentration of tobacco smoke particles on time were obtained for various amplitudes of piston displacement at the first natural frequency. The deposition time was found to have a nonmonotonic dependence of on the height of the tube filling with smoke. With an increase in the filling height, the time increases, reaching a maximum for three-quarters of the tube, then decreases again with the complete tube filling due to the emission of smoke from the top of the tube into the surrounding space. Deposition occurs much faster in the presence of oscillations than in their absence.
Article reference:
Gubaidullin D.A., Zaripov R.G., Tkachenko L.A., Shaidullin L.R. Smoke deposition upon nonlinear oscillations in an open tube near resonance, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 5. P. 768
Gubaidullin D.A., Zaripov R.G., Tkachenko L.A., Shaidullin L.R. Smoke deposition upon nonlinear oscillations in an open tube near resonance, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 5. P. 768