Plasma Investigations
2020. V. 58. № 1. P. 1–11
Grishin Yu.M., Miao L.
Numerical simulation of the evaporation process of monodispersed quartz particles in an argon plasma flow of induction plasmatron
The processes of the heating and evaporation of quartz particles in an argon plasma flow of high-frequency induction plasmatron are numerically simulated within the model of a two-phase, collisionless, monodispersed mixture. The conditions for the implementation of a ring-type vortex flow pattern with full partial particle penetration into the high-temperature zone are determined. The effect of particle feed rate on the gasdynamics of a dispersed flow is shown. The dependences of the evaporation efficiency on the main operating parameters of particle processing process, primarily, the particle feed rate, Joule power of the plasmatron, particle size and injection angle are established. Recommendations are given for the selection of the optimal operating parameters of the plasmatron and flow parameters of the processed quartz particles. It is shown that such a plasmatron with a power of about $5$ kW provides a complete evaporation of quartz particle flow with diameter up to $50$–$70\,\mu$m and feed rate up to $(8$–$10) \times 10^{-5}$ kg/s at specific energy costs at a level of $50$ MJ/kg.
Article reference:
Grishin Yu.M., Miao L. Numerical simulation of the evaporation process of monodispersed quartz particles in an argon plasma flow of induction plasmatron, High Temp., 2020. V. 58. № 1. P. 1
Grishin Yu.M., Miao L. Numerical simulation of the evaporation process of monodispersed quartz particles in an argon plasma flow of induction plasmatron, High Temp., 2020. V. 58. № 1. P. 1