Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2019. V. 57. № 5. P. 744–752
Astapov A.N., Lifanov I.P., Rabinskii L.N.
Perspective heat-resistant coating for protection of Cf/SiC composites in air plasma hypersonic flow
The investigation results on development and testing of heat-resistant coating with experimental composition of Si–TiSi2–MoSi2–TiB2–CaSi2 for protection of Cf/SiC composites from oxidation and highspeed erosion in high-speed gas flows are presented. This coating was formed by slip firing technology out of slip compositions with filler based on heterophase powder of the system of interest. The results of fire bench tests of samples with coating under conditions of flow-around and off balance heating by air plasma streams with M=5.5–6.0 and enthalpy of 40–45 MJ/kg. The effectiveness of the protective action of coating at surface temperature Tw=1810–1820∘C is kept not less than 920–930 s, at Tw≥1850–1860∘C—not less than 420–430 s. It was found that the effectiveness of coating is provided by structural-phase state of the base coating and formation of heterogeneous oxide film on its surface formed by borosilicate glass with titanium and calcium segregation heterogeneity and TiO2 reinforce micro-needles in the form of rutile. The decrease in saturated steam pressure level in oxide film–coating system induced by increase in the level of external layer heterogeneity was experimentally confirmed.
Article reference:
Astapov A.N., Lifanov I.P., Rabinskii L.N. Perspective heat-resistant coating for protection of Cf/SiC composites in air plasma hypersonic flow, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 5. P. 744
Astapov A.N., Lifanov I.P., Rabinskii L.N. Perspective heat-resistant coating for protection of Cf/SiC composites in air plasma hypersonic flow, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 5. P. 744