Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2019. V. 57. № 6. P. 909–915
Arefyev K.J., Krikunova A.I., Panov V.A.
Complex effect of electric and acoustic fields on air-methane flame blow-off characteristics
The results of an experimental study of the effect of integral electrical and acoustic action on flame stabilization during combustion of a homogeneous air-methane mixture are presented. The experiments were carried out for fuel-rich lean mixtures. The effect of an external AC electric field in the combustion zone on flame stabilization is studied with and without external acoustic impact. The most effective relative position of the electrodes for flame stabilization was identified. Extended limits of steady-state combustion of air-methane mixture were achieved. The analysis of flame structure and shape as well as the spectral characteristics of the flame front pulsation under electrical and acoustic action were carried out.
Article reference:
Arefyev K.J., Krikunova A.I., Panov V.A. Complex effect of electric and acoustic fields on air-methane flame blow-off characteristics, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 6. P. 909
Arefyev K.J., Krikunova A.I., Panov V.A. Complex effect of electric and acoustic fields on air-methane flame blow-off characteristics, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 6. P. 909