Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2019. V. 57. № 6. P. 842–847
Stepanov V.P.
Speed of sound in binary molten mixtures of potassium halides
The speed of sound in binary molten $\rm KCl$–$\rm KBr$, $\rm KCl$–$\rm KI$, $\rm KBr$–$\rm KI$, $\rm KF$–$\rm KCl$, $\rm KF$–$\rm KBr$, and $\rm KF$–$\rm KI$ mixtures has been measured by the pulse-temporal method in wide temperature and composition ranges. The adiabatic compressibility and molecular speed of sound have been calculated based on the literature data on density. The results are analyzed from the point of view of structural transformation in ionic melts, which accompanies the mixing of salts with different ion sizes.
Article reference:
Stepanov V.P. Speed of sound in binary molten mixtures of potassium halides, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 6. P. 842
Stepanov V.P. Speed of sound in binary molten mixtures of potassium halides, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 6. P. 842