Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2019. V. 57. № 3. P. 425–429
Shagapov V.Sh., Galimzyanov M.N., Vdovenko I.I.
Characteristics of the reflection and refraction of acoustic waves at an “oblique” incidence on the interface between “pure” and bubbly liquids
The characteristics of the reflection and refraction of harmonic waves at its “oblique” incidence on an interface between a “pure” liquid and liquid with bubbles filled with a vapor-gas mixture have been studied. For the considered problem, we have obtained the dispersion equation and carried out a numerical analysis of the effect of the perturbation frequencies in the range $10^2$–$10^7$ s$^{–1}$ on the dependence of the angle of refraction on that of incidence for three equilibrium temperatures $T_0$. The dependence of the critical angle of incidence on the parameters of a two-phase system and the perturbation frequencies has been studied for the same reflection.
Article reference:
Shagapov V.Sh., Galimzyanov M.N., Vdovenko I.I. Characteristics of the reflection and refraction of acoustic waves at an “oblique” incidence on the interface between “pure” and bubbly liquids, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 3. P. 425
Shagapov V.Sh., Galimzyanov M.N., Vdovenko I.I. Characteristics of the reflection and refraction of acoustic waves at an “oblique” incidence on the interface between “pure” and bubbly liquids, High Temp., 2019. V. 57. № 3. P. 425