Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2020. V. 58. № 1. P. 132–136
Andrushchenko V.A., Goloveshkin V.A., Syzranova N.G.
A mechanism for the formation of the surface relief of falling meteor bodies
Based on a number of simplifying assumptions, the constructed physical and mathematical model makes it possible to describe the processes of the formation of the surface relief of meteoroids that penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere and then fall onto it in the form of meteorites. It is explained that, when the influence of an inhomogeneous temperature field initiated on the surface layer of falling meteoroids by various physical factors is taken into account, the resulting deformations and stresses form their external sculptural relief. It is either smooth, as if sanded during fast rotation of the meteoroid, or is represented by a structural formation covered with a network of caverns of different sizes and depths (regmaglypts) in the absence of rotation.
Article reference:
Andrushchenko V.A., Goloveshkin V.A., Syzranova N.G. A mechanism for the formation of the surface relief of falling meteor bodies, High Temp., 2020. V. 58. № 1. P. 132
Andrushchenko V.A., Goloveshkin V.A., Syzranova N.G. A mechanism for the formation of the surface relief of falling meteor bodies, High Temp., 2020. V. 58. № 1. P. 132