Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2020. V. 58. № 3. P. 410–416
Aminov R.Z., Schastlivtsev A.I., Bairamov A.N.
Experimental evaluation of the composition of the steam generated during hydrogen combustion in oxygen
The existing experiments on hydrogen combustion with a mixture of the resulting steam and a cooling component (steam or water) are analyzed. The results of an experimental test on a hydrogen–oxygen combustion chamber without mixing of the resulting water vapor and a cooling component are presented. The methodology and results of the determination of the degree of hydrogen underburning in the composition of the resulting steam are presented. Tests were carried out for stoichiometric combustion conditions and with an excess of oxidizing agent. It is shown that the hydrogen underburn is $0.32$ vol $\%$ during stoichiometric combustion and at an oxygen excess of $1.4$ the hydrogen underburn is $0.27$ vol $\%$.
Article reference:
Aminov R.Z., Schastlivtsev A.I., Bairamov A.N. Experimental evaluation of the composition of the steam generated during hydrogen combustion in oxygen, High Temp., 2020. V. 58. № 3. P. 410
Aminov R.Z., Schastlivtsev A.I., Bairamov A.N. Experimental evaluation of the composition of the steam generated during hydrogen combustion in oxygen, High Temp., 2020. V. 58. № 3. P. 410