New Energetics
2020. V. 58. № 4. P. 660–667
Zaitchenko V.M., Lavrenov V.A., Larina O.M., Lishchiner I.I., Malova O.V.
Biomass utilization for energy production. New technologies
The potential use of various types of biomass (plant origin and secondary biomass) for the production of syngas via thermochemical conversion in a large-scale installation for the further synthesis of components of liquid motor fuels are considered. From the presented results, it follows that syngas from sewage sludge has the optimal composition for the synthesis of methanol with further conversion to gasoline. Syngas from wood waste can be used for the synthesis of dimethyl ether and methanol for the needs of the chemical industry.
Article reference:
Zaitchenko V.M., Lavrenov V.A., Larina O.M., Lishchiner I.I., Malova O.V. Biomass utilization for energy production. New technologies, High Temp., 2020. V. 58. № 4. P. 660
Zaitchenko V.M., Lavrenov V.A., Larina O.M., Lishchiner I.I., Malova O.V. Biomass utilization for energy production. New technologies, High Temp., 2020. V. 58. № 4. P. 660