Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2022. V. 60. № 3. P. 391–398
Semin M.A., Levin L.Yu., Zhelnin M.S., Plekhov O.A.
Simulation of artificial ground freezing under conditions of heterogeneous mineralization of pore water
This paper presents a mathematical formulation of the problem of artificial freezing of a soil containing mineralized pore water (brines). The case of soil freezing with the help of a single freezing column is considered. It has been established that the migration of dissolved salt in brine occurs only through molecular diffusion. A numerical algorithm is proposed that allows to calculate the distribution of temperature and concentrations of the studied components and phases: brine, ice, salt dissolved in liquid brine, and salt precipitated into a solid insoluble precipitate. A numerical solution of the problem is obtained and some features of the temperature and concentration fields of the studied components and phases are studied.
Article reference:
Semin M.A., Levin L.Yu., Zhelnin M.S., Plekhov O.A. Simulation of artificial ground freezing under conditions of heterogeneous mineralization of pore water, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 3. P. 391
Semin M.A., Levin L.Yu., Zhelnin M.S., Plekhov O.A. Simulation of artificial ground freezing under conditions of heterogeneous mineralization of pore water, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 3. P. 391