Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2022. V. 60. № 4. P. 523–531
Mironov V.V., Tolkach M.A., Tlevcejev V.V.
An experimental study of the strength of a rubber-like coke heat shield
An experimental study of the strength of the coked layer of a typical rubber-like heat-shielding material has been carried out and a method proposed. From the analysis of the experimental results and their comparison with the known data obtained by simulating full-scale power loads, a possible range of changes in the strength properties of the coked layer for rubber-like thermal protection has been established.
Article reference:
Mironov V.V., Tolkach M.A., Tlevcejev V.V. An experimental study of the strength of a rubber-like coke heat shield, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 4. P. 523
Mironov V.V., Tolkach M.A., Tlevcejev V.V. An experimental study of the strength of a rubber-like coke heat shield, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 4. P. 523