Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2022. V. 60. № 4. P. 469–473
Zeodinov M.G., Kostanovskii A.V., Kostanovskaya M.E., Pronkin A.A.
Electrical contact resistance of graphite
The paper compares two existing approaches to studying electrical contact phenomena: in foreign studies, measurement results are presented as the resistance of one contact connection, while in domestic studies, as the contact resistivity. Graphite was chosen as the studied material. For the first time, the results of an experimental study of the contact phenomena of MPG-$7$ graphite in the temperature range $350$–$750$ K are presented.
Article reference:
Zeodinov M.G., Kostanovskii A.V., Kostanovskaya M.E., Pronkin A.A. Electrical contact resistance of graphite, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 4. P. 469
Zeodinov M.G., Kostanovskii A.V., Kostanovskaya M.E., Pronkin A.A. Electrical contact resistance of graphite, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 4. P. 469