Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2022. V. 60. № 1. P. 98–103
Boreysho A.S., Dzhgamadzhe G.T., Zybina V.V., Moiseev A.A., Savin A.V., Smirnov P.G., Smolentsev S.S., Timofeev V.A., Tret'yak P.S.
Microlevel modeling of thermophysical and hydrodynamic processes of selective laser melting
A modified microlevel model, which is used to perform the numerical modeling of the double passage of a laser spot over a layer of metallic powder, is considered. As a result of the computational experiment, the temperature field is obtained and the edge effects are revealed. The microlevel modeling allows determining the modes of melting and their applicability limits.
Article reference:
Boreysho A.S., Dzhgamadzhe G.T., Zybina V.V., Moiseev A.A., Savin A.V., Smirnov P.G., Smolentsev S.S., Timofeev V.A., Tret'yak P.S. Microlevel modeling of thermophysical and hydrodynamic processes of selective laser melting, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 1. P. 98
Boreysho A.S., Dzhgamadzhe G.T., Zybina V.V., Moiseev A.A., Savin A.V., Smirnov P.G., Smolentsev S.S., Timofeev V.A., Tret'yak P.S. Microlevel modeling of thermophysical and hydrodynamic processes of selective laser melting, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 1. P. 98