Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2022. V. 60. № 4. P. 497–504
Bulat P.V., Volkov K.N., Grachev L.P., Esakov I.I., Lavrov P.B.
Ignition of a fuel mixture with a spark and initiated streamer discharge under various conditions
An experimental study of the ignition and combustion of a combustible propane–air mixture is carried out. The efficiency of two systems for igniting a combustible gas mixture is compared: a traditional technology using conventional spark plugs and a new system based on initiated streamer microwave discharges. The design features of a setup for creating and studying a multifocal microwave discharge system are described. The results of studies of the new microwave system for ignition of the fuel mixture are presented, which are compared with the data of the ignition system based on different numbers of spark discharges. The results of comparative analysis of the two ignition systems are presented for different initial pressures in the combustion chamber and fuel mixture compositions.
Article reference:
Bulat P.V., Volkov K.N., Grachev L.P., Esakov I.I., Lavrov P.B. Ignition of a fuel mixture with a spark and initiated streamer discharge under various conditions, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 4. P. 497
Bulat P.V., Volkov K.N., Grachev L.P., Esakov I.I., Lavrov P.B. Ignition of a fuel mixture with a spark and initiated streamer discharge under various conditions, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 4. P. 497