Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2022. V. 60. № 6. P. 797–803
Malay N.V., Shchukin E.R., Schostak Yu.I.
On the influence of heat transfer on the photophoresis of a heated large aerosol particle
For the first time, in the quasi-stationary Stokes approximation at low Reynolds and Peclet numbers, a theory has been constructed that takes into account the effect of convective heat transfer on the photophoresis of a heated large spherical aerosol particle using the method of matched asymptotic expansions. When solving gasdynamics equations, the power-law form of the dependences of the molecular transfer coefficients (viscosity, thermal conductivity) and density of the gaseous medium on temperature is taken into account.
Article reference:
Malay N.V., Shchukin E.R., Schostak Yu.I. On the influence of heat transfer on the photophoresis of a heated large aerosol particle, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 6. P. 797
Malay N.V., Shchukin E.R., Schostak Yu.I. On the influence of heat transfer on the photophoresis of a heated large aerosol particle, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 6. P. 797