Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2022. V. 60. № 6. P. 768–774
Maevskii K.K.
Numerical simulation of the thermodynamic parameters of germanium
A modified equation of state and a thermodynamically equilibrium model are used to numerically simulate the thermodynamic parameters of shock-wave loading of germanium in its pure form, as well as alloys with germanium as a component. The parameters of the equations of state for two phases of germanium are determined. The thermodynamic parameters are modeled for these $\rm Ge~I$ and $\rm Ge~II$ phases in the pressure range from $1$ to $400$ GPa. The shock adiabats for both phases are plotted, and the heat capacity values along the normal isobars and isochores and the entropy values for germanium as a function of temperature were calculated. The simulation results are compared with the results of other authors (both calculations and experiments).
Article reference:
Maevskii K.K. Numerical simulation of the thermodynamic parameters of germanium, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 6. P. 768
Maevskii K.K. Numerical simulation of the thermodynamic parameters of germanium, High Temp., 2022. V. 60. № 6. P. 768