Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2013. V. 51. № 4. P. 537–550
Molleson G.V., Stasenko A.L.
Interaction of a two-phase jet with a solid body with generation of a “Chaos” of particles
A simple physicomathematical model of interaction of an axisymmetrical supersonic monodispersed jet with a solid body is proposed. The interaction leads to a rise of the fractions of reflected spinning particles and a “gas” of chaotized particles. This “gas” has its inherent pressure and diffusion coefficient. Numerical solutions of the corresponding system of equations are obtained in a wide range of the mass fractions of the particles in the mixing chamber. The model developed enables the shielding effect of reflected and chaotized particles to be estimated. In particular, their effect on heat transfer between the two-phase jet and the streamlined body can be estimated.
Article reference:
Molleson G.V., Stasenko A.L. Interaction of a two-phase jet with a solid body with generation of a “Chaos” of particles, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 4. P. 537
Molleson G.V., Stasenko A.L. Interaction of a two-phase jet with a solid body with generation of a “Chaos” of particles, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 4. P. 537