Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2007. V. 45. № 6. P. 757–762
Kozlov G.V., Nafadzokova L.Kh., Zaikov G.E.
Multifractal treatment of free volume and diffusion of gases in polyethylene
It is demonstrated that the multifractal model of processes of gas transport and the associated treatment of the part of amorphous phase accessible for diffusion enable one to make a correct quantitative description of the diffusion coefficient of various gases in polyethylene and of its temperature dependence. The physical meaning is revealed of the exponent $m$ in the equation for determining the diffusion coefficient of gases in amorphous-crystalline polymers. The boundary value is obtained of the diameter of molecule of penetrant gas, which defines the mono-to-multi-fractal transition of the mechanism of gas transport.
Article reference:
Kozlov G.V., Nafadzokova L.Kh., Zaikov G.E. Multifractal treatment of free volume and diffusion of gases in polyethylene, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 6. P. 757
Kozlov G.V., Nafadzokova L.Kh., Zaikov G.E. Multifractal treatment of free volume and diffusion of gases in polyethylene, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 6. P. 757