Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2007. V. 45. № 6. P. 785–796
Bel'skaya E.A., Kulyamina E.Yu.
Electrical resistivity of titanium in the temperature range from $290$ to $1800$ K
Studies into the electrical resistivity of titanium in the solid state are reviewed, analyzed, and generalized. The experimental data in the high-temperature region of the $\alpha$-phase $(290$–$1150$ K$)$ are approximated by an equation obtained within the two-band model approximation, and in the region of the $\beta$-phase—by linear dependence. The calculation results reveal the regularities of the effect of the defect concentration due to impurities and dislocations on the conductivity of titanium at high temperatures.
Article reference:
Bel'skaya E.A., Kulyamina E.Yu. Electrical resistivity of titanium in the temperature range from $290$ to $1800$ K, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 6. P. 785
Bel'skaya E.A., Kulyamina E.Yu. Electrical resistivity of titanium in the temperature range from $290$ to $1800$ K, High Temp., 2007. V. 45. № 6. P. 785