Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2005. V. 43. № 1. P. 131–140
Chermyaninov I.V., Chernyak V.G., Khinkina E.P.
Light-induced heat and mass transfer of gas in a plane channel
The paper deals with the processes of heat and mass transfer of a rarefied gas in a plane channel in the field of resonance radiation. The problem is solved using linearized kinetic equations with a first-order model integral of collisions. The surface and collision mechanisms of light-induced drift are investigated, as well as the mechanism of heat flux at arbitrary values of the Knudsen number. Analytical expressions for channel cross section-averaged flows are obtained at high and low values of the Knudsen number.
Article reference:
Chermyaninov I.V., Chernyak V.G., Khinkina E.P. Light-induced heat and mass transfer of gas in a plane channel, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 1. P. 131
Chermyaninov I.V., Chernyak V.G., Khinkina E.P. Light-induced heat and mass transfer of gas in a plane channel, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 1. P. 131