Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2006. V. 44. № 1. P. 67–82
Mozgovoi A.G., Popov V.N., Fokin L.R.
A new equation of state for rubidium vapors at temperatures up to $1600$ K and pressures up to $4$ MPa
Statistical matching is performed of a wide range of diverse experimental data on the thermodynamic properties of saturated and superheated rubidium vapors at temperatures up to $1650$ K. The parametric models used in the matching of data include the equation of state in the virial form and equations in the form of group expansions in terms of degrees of activity. Values of the second virial and group coefficients are obtained using new spectroscopic data on the singlet potential of rubidium atoms in the ground electron state. The equation of state in the form of expansion of density in terms of degrees of activity is used to calculate the tables of thermodynamic functions and estimate their confidence errors at temperatures up to $1600$ K and pressures up to $4$ MPa.
Article reference:
Mozgovoi A.G., Popov V.N., Fokin L.R. A new equation of state for rubidium vapors at temperatures up to $1600$ K and pressures up to $4$ MPa, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 1. P. 67
Mozgovoi A.G., Popov V.N., Fokin L.R. A new equation of state for rubidium vapors at temperatures up to $1600$ K and pressures up to $4$ MPa, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 1. P. 67