Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2013. V. 51. № 5. P. 621–625
Baidakov V.G.
Transfer coefficients near the boundary of thermodynamic stability
It has been established according to the data of the molecular-dynamic calculations of the transfer coefficients in the stable and metastable states of the Lennard–Jones fluid that in the variables $p$, $T$ the families of the lines of constant value of the self-diffusion coefficient $D$, excess thermal conductivity $\Delta\lambda$ and excess shear viscosity $\Delta\eta$ have an envelope, which coincides with the spinodal. Thus, $(\partial D/\partial p)_T\to\infty$, $(\partial\Delta\lambda/\partial p)_T\to\infty$, $(\partial\Delta\eta/\partial p)_T\to\infty$ when approaching the spinodal.
Article reference:
Baidakov V.G. Transfer coefficients near the boundary of thermodynamic stability, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 5. P. 621
Baidakov V.G. Transfer coefficients near the boundary of thermodynamic stability, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 5. P. 621