Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2006. V. 44. № 2. P. 234–242
Leont'ev A.I., Lushchik V.G., Yakubenko A.E.
The recovery factor in a supersonic flow of gas with a low Prandtl number
A three-parameter differential model of turbulence supplemented with a transport equation for turbulent heat flux is used to perform calculations of the boundary layer on a heat-insulated wall in a supersonic gas flow with a value of Prandtl number $\mathrm{Pr}\le0.7$. The dependences on the values of Prandtl, Reynolds, and Mach numbers and of intensity of injection are obtained for the recovery factor.
Article reference:
Leont'ev A.I., Lushchik V.G., Yakubenko A.E. The recovery factor in a supersonic flow of gas with a low Prandtl number, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 2. P. 234
Leont'ev A.I., Lushchik V.G., Yakubenko A.E. The recovery factor in a supersonic flow of gas with a low Prandtl number, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 2. P. 234