Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2013. V. 51. № 5. P. 681–689
Levin V.A., Afonina N.E., Gromov V.G., Manuilovich I.S., Markov V.V., Smekhov G.D., Khmelevski? A.N.
Experimental and numerical simulation of the flow in a driving module with an annular and linear double-slot nozzle
This paper presents the results of numerical and experimental studies of the flow and comparison of propulsion performance characteristics of a model of a jet engine exhaust system equipped with an annular or (equivalent in gas consumption) linear double-slot nozzle with an inner cavity and circular segment deflector in the axial section. Calculations performed for the annular nozzle and double-slot nozzle corresponding to it in geometric parameters demonstrate that a flow similar to the flow in nozzles with a central body is formed in the exhaust system. According to the data obtained, the initial turn of the flow takes place in the oblique shock wave. In the double-slot nozzle, the final turn of the flow in the direction of the thrust vector occurs in a configuration of four shock waves positioned downwards in the flow; in the annular nozzle, it is in the intense barrel shock wave. It was established that the exhaust system with an annular of the linear doubleslot nozzle develops a thrust and specific impulse that exceed the corresponding values for the sonic nozzle equivalent in gas consumption by almost a factor of 2.
Article reference:
Levin V.A., Afonina N.E., Gromov V.G., Manuilovich I.S., Markov V.V., Smekhov G.D., Khmelevski? A.N. Experimental and numerical simulation of the flow in a driving module with an annular and linear double-slot nozzle, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 5. P. 681
Levin V.A., Afonina N.E., Gromov V.G., Manuilovich I.S., Markov V.V., Smekhov G.D., Khmelevski? A.N. Experimental and numerical simulation of the flow in a driving module with an annular and linear double-slot nozzle, High Temp., 2013. V. 51. № 5. P. 681