Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2005. V. 43. № 5. P. 706–710
Sagadeev E.V., Sagadeev V.V.
Calculation of the Heat of Combustion of Components of Unsaturated Hydrocarbon-Based Power-Generating Fuel
Development is continued of the additive method of group contributions in application to the calculation of the heat of combustion of hydrocarbons of different chemical structures.
Article reference:
Sagadeev E.V., Sagadeev V.V. Calculation of the Heat of Combustion of Components of Unsaturated Hydrocarbon-Based Power-Generating Fuel, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 5. P. 706
Sagadeev E.V., Sagadeev V.V. Calculation of the Heat of Combustion of Components of Unsaturated Hydrocarbon-Based Power-Generating Fuel, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 5. P. 706