Plasma Investigations
2006. V. 44. № 6. P. 795–803
Lebedev Yu.A., Shakhatov V.A.
The parameters of nonequilibrium microwave discharge in nitrogen in a tube in a rectangular waveguide
Computer codes are developed for the processing of emission spectra of nonequilibrium plasma in nitrogen for the purpose of obtaining information about the translational $T_g$ and rotational $T_{\mathrm{rot}}$ temperatures, the populations of vibrational levels in the ground electron and electron-excited states, the electron energy distribution function, the electron concentration $N_e$, and the electric field intensity $E$. The computer codes are used to determine the parameters of microwave-discharge plasma in nitrogen in discharge systems of two types, namely, in a discharge tube (with a radius of $1$ cm), which crosses a rectangular waveguide (plasmatron on the $H_{10}$ wavelength, at a pressure of $1.7$ torr and absorbed power density of $1.5$ W/cm$^3$), and in a discharge section of similar structure on the basis of prismatic resonator (at a pressure of $1.0$ torr and absorbed power density of $0.4$ W/cm$^3$). The mechanisms of population of the $\mathrm{N}_2(C^3\Pi_u)$ state are treated.
Article reference:
Lebedev Yu.A., Shakhatov V.A. The parameters of nonequilibrium microwave discharge in nitrogen in a tube in a rectangular waveguide, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 6. P. 795
Lebedev Yu.A., Shakhatov V.A. The parameters of nonequilibrium microwave discharge in nitrogen in a tube in a rectangular waveguide, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 6. P. 795