Thermophysical Properties of Materials
2006. V. 44. № 6. P. 838–842
Rasulov S.M., Isaev I.A.
Phase equilibrium and critical lines in $n$-pentane + water and $n$-hexane + water systems
Results are given of experimental investigation of the thermal properties of $n$-pentane + water and $n$-hexane + water binary systems in the temperature range from $300$ to $680$ K at pressures up to $60$ MPa in a wide density range. Measurements are performed for several values of concentration. The investigations cover the region of liquid-liquid, liquid-vapor, and gas-gas phase equilibria and extend to the homogeneous region. Lines of phase equilibrium and critical lines of these systems are obtained.
Article reference:
Rasulov S.M., Isaev I.A. Phase equilibrium and critical lines in $n$-pentane + water and $n$-hexane + water systems, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 6. P. 838
Rasulov S.M., Isaev I.A. Phase equilibrium and critical lines in $n$-pentane + water and $n$-hexane + water systems, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 6. P. 838