Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2005. V. 43. № 6. P. 937–946
Polezhaev Yu.V., Mostinskii I.L.
The Normal Flame Velocity and Analysis of the Effect of the System Parameters on This Velocity
A process chart of flame combustion of gases is suggested, and the region of existence of the normal (or standard) burning velocity $U_n$ is given. The results of analysis of numerous experimental data are used to determine the impact made on $U_n$ by parameters such as pressure, flame temperature, chemical composition of the mixture, and preheating of the mixture. Generalizing dependences of the normal burning velocity $U_n$ on the adiabatic combustion temperature $T_a$ and on the preheating temperature $T_0$ are obtained for a wide range of combustible hydrocarbon gases.
Article reference:
Polezhaev Yu.V., Mostinskii I.L. The Normal Flame Velocity and Analysis of the Effect of the System Parameters on This Velocity, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 6. P. 937
Polezhaev Yu.V., Mostinskii I.L. The Normal Flame Velocity and Analysis of the Effect of the System Parameters on This Velocity, High Temp., 2005. V. 43. № 6. P. 937