Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
2006. V. 44. № 6. P. 908–912
Glazkov V.V., Grigor'ev V.S., Zhilin V.G., Zeigarnik Yu.A., Ivochkin Yu.P., Kubrikov K.G., Medvetskaya N.V., Oksman A.A., Sinkevich O.A.
A possible mechanism of triggering a vapor explosion
Relations are derived which enable one to assess the size of fragments of a liquid-metal droplet after its fragmentation formed in the case of instantaneous contact between a hot metal surface and a coolant. The obtained experimental data demonstrate that the amplitude of pressure pulses generated during vapor film collapse (second boiling crisis) is several times lower than the values required for triggering a spontaneous vapor explosion. The assumption is validated according to which progress in studying the process of triggering a spontaneous vapor explosion is associated primarily with advances in understanding the mechanism of fragmentation of individual droplet.
Article reference:
Glazkov V.V., Grigor'ev V.S., Zhilin V.G., Zeigarnik Yu.A., Ivochkin Yu.P., Kubrikov K.G., Medvetskaya N.V., Oksman A.A., Sinkevich O.A. A possible mechanism of triggering a vapor explosion, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 6. P. 908
Glazkov V.V., Grigor'ev V.S., Zhilin V.G., Zeigarnik Yu.A., Ivochkin Yu.P., Kubrikov K.G., Medvetskaya N.V., Oksman A.A., Sinkevich O.A. A possible mechanism of triggering a vapor explosion, High Temp., 2006. V. 44. № 6. P. 908